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Finding Free Essays On Discrimination Easily: 6 Effective Tips

Discrimination is a sensitive topic for many people. I think each one of us was, at some point, treated differently based on some particularities. Unfortunately, these situations are more often encountered by people that belong to a certain race or religion. A different style of clothing or a strange accent can make people treat you different, and not in a good way. If you want to find out more about discrimination and to write a successful essay on this topic, we have some useful tips.

  1. Discuss with a person who was in this situation. For sure, you know at least one ethnic group that is constantly discriminated in your country. Instead of just searching for different stories on the internet, talk with a person who actually experienced this. You will be surprised how affected they can be from this and how some people deny their cultural background to prevent any unpleasant situation.
  2. Find out what are the triggers. For example, why some people react in a negative way when they see a woman wearing a scarf on her head. For sure, there are more reasons than the appearance. It is important to understand the actual cause of the discrimination so you will find a way to change the negative perception of the public.
  3. Make an experiment. If you want to get an authentic perspective of this kind of situations, try to put yourself in the situation of a person who is discriminated. Adopt, for one day, clothing that is representative for a certain ethnic group or pretend you don’t know your native language when you go to a restaurant. Pay attention to people’s reaction and ask them what makes them have such a negative response.
  4. Read the statistics. For sure you can find on the internet statistics that will tell you how often people are discriminated in your country and based on what criteria. While in some countries gender discrimination is common, other countries react negatively to a person with a different skin color. Make some charts that will represent the differences between countries.
  5. Find out more stories. Try to collect as many experiences as you can from people around you. You will be surprised to notice that discrimination can occur even when somebody is not dressed fashionable enough or when a person who lives in the rural area wants to find a job in a metropolitan city.