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Searching For A Good Sample Introduction For An Essay

When you need to write a paper, there are so many small details you need to watch out for, that it can be easy to lose from sight what is really important. The first thing you need to worry about is the topic of your composition because, without it, you can’t work on anything else. Make sure that is something engaging for you and useful for your students. Also, it needs to be accessible for you to be able to find valid information on the topic. If all the data you provide is vague, you will not get the maximum grade. The first part that your professor will read is the introduction of your essay, so follow these tips to write a great one:

  • Make it the first piece that you write. It needs to be like the opening ceremony for your essay, so make sure it is interesting enough for any reader. Before starting your composition, write a few lines about the topic of your paper, what inspired you, what arguments did you use or what references. Any of these elements are suitable in the first line as long as they are relevant for the rest of the content.
  • Do not extend it more than necessary. The introduction must never be confused with the rest of your essay, so limit yourself to maximum two paragraphs or 10-15 lines. Anything that is over these limits will be already part of the middle of the composition, and your teacher will not appreciate this.
  • Keep the information short. It is fine to give information that you used in your text or to mention some arguments, but nothing more than this. The more revealing these few lines are, the less content you will have for the rest of the paper. It needs to be mysterious and to provoke the reader to look further.
  • Make it challenging. There are several ways to make these few lines engaging for your readers, but the most important thing is to challenge anyone to complete the reading. You can ask questions and not provide the answer to the introduction or mention that you quoted a specialized person in your text, but without mentioning the name. Since this is the first part of your project that will be read by your professor, you need to make sure it is well written and proofread.